The Picket Fence

This blog is intended to heighten awareness of the issues facing college faculty in their quest for greater quality in their classrooms. Je me souviens!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

"Just because you don't get eaten the first million times doesn't mean it's never going to happen." Jack Hanna

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Management 101

Yet again a contribution from another picketer ....

"Management 101: Shoot Not the Messenger

Any student of Management 101 knows that a growing volume of employee complaints and grievances, followed by a 78% strike vote, are SYMPTOMS of real problems that need to be addressed by management.

In such circumstances, it takes TOTALLY INEPT management to conclude that the cause of the problems is THE UNION, and that the solution is to attack and discredit the union – i.e., their own employees.

College management has complained forever that the colleges are so underfunded that they cannot do their job well. But when their faculty strike over that very issue, college management asserts that that government funding is in fact generous, and that the problem is THE UNION. These managers should RESIGN, because their credibility and ability to lead is in the toilet.

Anyone who follows events at Sheridan understands that top management refuses to hear truthful but unwelcome news, and can provide a long list of former employees who have fallen victim to this disgraceful hubris. It is time for a change – let’s get some managers who actually passed Management 101!"


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