The Picket Fence

This blog is intended to heighten awareness of the issues facing college faculty in their quest for greater quality in their classrooms. Je me souviens!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

"Just because you don't get eaten the first million times doesn't mean it's never going to happen." Jack Hanna

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I've Moved...

It was easier to move than it was to go through all the pages of HTML to try and recover my settings. So please visit the new blog

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dumb and Dumber

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein

Ok so I am referring to me. I decided I wanted to change the layout of this page and so I set a new template ... and now it looks totally ridiculous, so I may have to start another blog just to get it looking decent again (because there are 31 pages of html code to go through to figure out how to get the sidebars back as "sidebars"). So ... I have moved future posts to Apres le deluge

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Full Monty ... er Document

Here's the link to the full document, as I said in my previous post.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Voices from the classroom

Just found this one. Will try to get the full document and if I can I will post.

More Offshoots of the "Work Stoppage"

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams

Well the requests for the impossible are now coming in at the advisement and preparation level. We just spent 3+ hours in a meeting being told how we had to meet other people's deadlines, despite the fact that we have less time than we have ever had to do the total work in, and despite the implementation of a whole new "learning management system" and despite the fact that we have no time overlapping with faculty who teach the "other" vacation period (eg July/Aug. teachers) -- nevertheless we have been asked to develop new courses, revise programs, and adapt to a new learning management system (read a new technology) in a "collaborative" environment, with half of the collaborators not available.

To be fair to our immediate management, they seem to recognise the impossibility of the tasks assigned, and basically said at the meeting "do your best" ... but for those of us who take our program and course development responsibilities seriously this is ethically unacceptable. I have just paid up my pension so at least I now have the security of knowing that if I quit in disgust I am still eligible for my full pension. Which leads me to another point ... heard at the party yesterday that at least 6 people have either handed in their notice to resign or have indicated that they intend to do so by the end of June, as they simply cannot stomach the current regime (word chosen carefully). I really wonder if the college understands that 90% of the real work of program/course development is done by (my guess) less than 30% of the people. And it is 95% of that 30% who have had it with the attitudes and unrealistic expectations at this time. What will they do if all those who have reached their "80" factor (age plus seniority) choose to opt out in the next 2 years? Who have they trained to replace these knowledgeable and experienced people? I pity the associate deans (aka "chairs") who will have to deal with the fallout at the student level. A college Chernobyl is in the offing, but administration seems not to know or care. OK. So be it.

Maybe they are right, experience does not count for diddly, and younger and cheaper staff will do just fine. For the students' sake I hope they are right. Certainly they want the cheaper part of the equation. After all, I did hear a rumour this week that our senior management was saying to senior support staff that, if the arbitration resulted in a gain for teachers beyond what the colleges had offered, that there would be layoffs in the support staff. How subtle :-P That's why we need accountability at the senior level of the college. And how tactful ... did they really think that we would not hear of this tactic? Or that support staff would blame us if management laid THEM off because they failed to make the appropriate strategic financial decisions? And during this same meeting there was talk of building yet another "facility" ... this one should have made us cheer as it would be to our advantage in several ways, but bottom line is that it simply emphasized the disconnect between quality needs and palace-building. And they'll probably name this new one after the current president, as they did the last one after the last president ... grrr growl snarl.

We will do "our possible" as my dear mother-in-law used to say, but we know it will not meet our own standards. Our pride will be lacking. So be it, this was not our decision. And others in the organization will get what they want when I can get to it. I shall simply set priorities (as in student needs first, and the rest will just have to wait).

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

No doubt this financial issue is getting boring to those who do not live with the day-to-day underfunding issue in their courses and classes ... but this one is worth passing on.

As reported in:

Sheridan College
Name/ Position/Salary/Benefits
THERIAULT ELIZABETH/Counsellor, Science & Tech./ $102,363.75 /$1,986.7

During the strike, the colleges made much of how faculty teach only 14 hours per week. The way they got such a low figure was by counting as "faculty" a large number of people who do not teach at all, but are classified as "faculty", including counsellors and librarians.

Here's a particularly egregious example of someone being counted as "faculty" in the last reported year (2005) who was actually a former college administrator and had never been a faculty member that you might want to look into. As far as I know, Elizabeth Theriault was NEVER a counsellor for a single day. She was a Dean (as in Administrator/Manager). She was never a faculty member (which, by definition, counsellors are). And, to the best of my knowledge she has not been in the employ of the college since 2003 (see link below announcing her new position) and yet she appears as a Sheridan "counsellor" in the 2005 "sunshine club" report. I wonder how many other administrators are being written off against faculty salaries at the colleges? And how many of these persons are not even employed by the college in any capacity?

"Elizabeth Theriault has accepted a new position with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Tokyo, Japan. A tea party was held on Friday, June 20, 2003 in the Holland Room at the Davis Campus."