No doubt this financial issue is getting boring to those who do not live with the day-to-day underfunding issue in their courses and classes ... but this one is worth passing on.
As reported in:
Sheridan College
Name/ Position/Salary/Benefits
THERIAULT ELIZABETH/Counsellor, Science & Tech./ $102,363.75 /$1,986.7
During the strike, the colleges made much of how faculty teach only 14 hours per week. The way they got such a low figure was by counting as "faculty" a large number of people who do not teach at all, but are classified as "faculty", including counsellors and librarians.
Here's a particularly egregious example of someone being counted as "faculty" in the last reported year (2005) who was actually a former college administrator and had never been a faculty member that you might want to look into. As far as I know, Elizabeth Theriault was NEVER a counsellor for a single day. She was a Dean (as in Administrator/Manager). She was never a faculty member (which, by definition, counsellors are). And, to the best of my knowledge she has not been in the employ of the college since 2003 (see link below announcing her new position) and yet she appears as a Sheridan "counsellor" in the 2005 "sunshine club" report. I wonder how many other administrators are being written off against faculty salaries at the colleges? And how many of these persons are not even employed by the college in any capacity?
"Elizabeth Theriault has accepted a new position with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Tokyo, Japan. A tea party was held on Friday, June 20, 2003 in the Holland Room at the Davis Campus."
The Picket Fence
This blog is intended to heighten awareness of the issues facing college faculty in their quest for greater quality in their classrooms. Je me souviens!
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- Name: Trawna
- Location: Ontario, Canada
"Just because you don't get eaten the first million times doesn't mean it's never going to happen." Jack Hanna
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